21st Century Skills Technology/Career Readiness Teacher

Job Level
Academic position
Job Category
Teacher / Instructor
  • Applied Tech (STEAM / Maker / CS / Design)
Job Status
Areas of Responsibility
  • Technology Classes

Teacher provides hands on instruction in the area of technology to high school students that is based on and aligned with the Common Core State Standards, 21st Century Learning Skills, and related Career Technical Education standards.

The teacher will teach students in the setting of a classroom or computer lab and will design instruction with a variety of learning modalities and strategies for differentiated instruction. The applicant should have a willingness to explore team-teaching with other Career Technical Education and subject teachers in terms of integrating technology and career readiness skills.

This position requires a valid California credential in the area of technology or related Career Technical Education with the appropriate authorization to work with English language learners. Successful classroom experience in the delivery of instruction related to the use and integration of technology and Career Readiness Standards is also required. Competence in the use of multiple computer software packages and Office applications including by not limited to: Word, Outlook, Google docs, PPT, Excel, manage data through virtual networks, Internet applications, databases and webpage publishing tools. Must have knowledge of the Career Readiness Standards, 21st Century Skills, and Instructional Technology applications and use for integration of teaching and learning.

Must be a creative, collaborative, flexible teacher willing to innovate and implement a 21st Century technology class and provide expertise in designing the integration of technology within Career Technical Education pathways.

Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) Role:

Additional responsibilities related to the Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) for additional work days for this position will focus on developing Career Technical Education (CTE) Student Leadership opportunities to promote student leadership and skill development opportunities related to Career Technical Education pathways. Coordination and outreach activities including working with students, CTE educators, local community businesses, industry partners, and other K-12 district and community colleges within the Mission Trails ROP/CTE JPA in the planning, developing, and implementing of student skills competitions and leadership opportunities through a variety of partnerships that will

result in successful student transition to employment, lifelong learning and quality adult life. This position also will act as a liaison between the North Monterey County Unified School District and the community and business partnerships promote and strengthen career pathway opportunities for our students.

SAMPLE of additional duties and responsibilities:

  •   Develop student leadership and skill competition programs in partnership with local community and

    industry business partners and other CTE organizations and provide oversight and support to designed CTE student club advisors, to ensure this required CTE program element is met in all NMCUSD designated CTE pathways.

  •   Identify and bring into the 21st Century Skills class and other CTE classes speakers and activities to promote various CTE career pathways. 

  • Communicate regularly with CTE teachers on opportunities to connect students with local businesses related to their pathways.

  • Work collaboratively by providing information and contacts with the Work Experience Specialist to ensure students have meaningful opportunities for job shadowing and internships related to the NMCUSD pathways.

  • Promote/market the various NMCUSD CTE pathways to students, parents and facilitate collaboration between CTE and other teachers to incorporate the Standards for Career Ready Practice.

  • Works collaboratively with the Career and College Planning Coordinator to share information and promote/support the NMCHS College and Career Readiness calendar of events


  • Certificated Teacher
  • Ability to work effective with students to develop student leadership skills
  • Ability to take initiative to develop partnerships and relationships with local businesses
  • Strong collaborative/consultation skills
  • Excellent organizational skills
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills – both oral and written
  • Strong interest in innovation and ability to take initiative
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively as part of a team

Desirable Qualifications:

  1. Sensitivity to characteristics and needs of all children.

  2. Ready command of public and community service.

  3. Knowledge of college and career readiness and connecting with global opportunities.

  4. Experience incorporating technology into curriculum to developing 21st century skills

  5. Collaborative and problem solving orientation.

  6. Strategic and analytical thinking skills and the ability to apply deductive reasoning and draw

    conclusions in order to solve problems and facilitate the decision-making processes.

The information contained in this job description is for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (A.D.A.) and is not an exhaustive list of duties performed. Individuals holding this position may perform additional duties and additional duties may be assigned.