Art / STEAM / MakerSpace Teacher

Job Level
Academic position
Job Category
Teacher / Instructor
  • Applied Tech (STEAM / Maker / CS / Design)
Job Status
Areas of Responsibility
  • Maker / Fabrication

The Lang School is looking for a part-time Art/STEAM/Maker Space Teacher to join our learning community two to three days weekly starting in late August.


Lang is a progressive school in lower Manhattan for high potential, gifted, and twice-exceptional (2e) students in grades 2 through 12. "2e" students are highly precocious learners with diagnosed learning challenges (e.g., dyslexia, ADHD) and the social-emotional and/or behavioral difficulties (e.g., anxiety, impulsivity) that co-occur with this asynchronous profile. Our curriculum is rigorous and richly differentiated, flexibly meeting the needs of students who need both acceleration and supports. All classes are capped at 12 students, and "specials" classes are taught by a lead and an assistant teacher.

Our faculty and therapeutic staff actively partner in all aspects of student education and development.They have an ongoing interest in personal and professional growth, a commitment to open communications, and a desire to invest in the school's mission of equity, excellence, and innovation. We invest generously in professional development on and off campus, and in mentoring opportunities with staff developers throughout the year.


  • Teach STEAM/maker-oriented "art" in our workshop to students in grades 2 through 12

  • Demonstrated competence in planning lessons and developing curricula

  • Excellent classroom management skills a must

  • Skilled in tech. integration, digital fabrication, wearables, mobile art, and a variety of other multidisciplinary undertakings suitable for a maker space

  • Background in art, engineering, technology, and science

  • Commitment to keeping workshop/maker space well-equipped and well organized


  • Only candidates with at least a B.A./B.S./BFA (preferably an M.A./M.S./MFA) in a directly related field and at least two years of K-12 teaching experience will be considered

  • Email up-to-date professional resume to

  • Email cover letter explaining your interest in and unique fit vis a vis The Lang School and its mission

  • No phone calls, please