Communications Assistant

Job Level
Entry-level position
Job Category
  • Systems / Operations
Job Status
Areas of Responsibility
  • Communications
  • Management of data on the website

    • Calendar events

    • Menus

    • Uploading photos / videos when needed (editing and tagging photos / videos correctly before uploading) 

    • Athletic News uploads

    • Management of constituent-related data

    • Measurement of website efforts through Google Analytics

  • Help with pushpages for other offices
    • Turn information given from other offices into pushpages complete with appropriate links and downloads

    • Create customized distribution lists for specialized pushpages (e.g. from the Health Center or Travel Office) 

  • Assistance with photo and video editing

    • Edit photos in Photoshop that are SEO conducive, upload to the website and Flickr, and give them appropriate tags, descriptions, and links

    • Create and edit movies in iMovie, title them appropriately with Google-friendly title styles, and upload to the website and/or the school’s YouTube page

    • Help maintain the school media server by following best practices when creating albums and uploading photos and video.

  • Assistance with updating digital signage on campus
    • Keeping Google Docs that feed the sign current and updated

    • Updating the template daily to reflect class days and current photos

    • Changing the signs and sign schedule for special occasions
  • Help with content creating for website and other school publications

    • Visit classes to get stories

    • Talk with people on campus for information

    • Record video and take photos when appropriate

    • Write, edit, and upload stories on to website when appropriate, using correct links, tags, and SEO techniques

  • Assistance with managing Eaglebrook’s social media channels
    • Content creation

    • Schedule management

    • SEO techniques

    • Measurement

Please send resume and cover letter to Schuyler Bogel at