Ed Tech / Maker Lab Coordinator

Job Level
Mid-level position
Job Category
  • Technology
  • Applied Tech (STEAM / Maker / CS / Design)
Job Status
Areas of Responsibility
  • Instructional Technology
  • Maker / Fabrication

St. Matthew’s Episcopal Day School is seeking an Ed Tech/Maker Lab Coordinator. The Ed Tech/Maker Lab Coordinator holds comprehensive responsibility for leadership, planning, and implementation of the School’s academic technology program, including a balance of faculty integration and direct classroom teaching. 

The ideal candidate should demonstrate a passion for learning and helping others learn, excellence in the classroom, a vision for long-range planning, confident verbal and written communication skills, patience, and enthusiasm for emerging technologies. This person will develop and facilitate technology integration into the School’s curriculum within the broader framework of 21st century learning, including making the most of the School’s well-equipped Maker Lab. The Ed Tech/Maker Lab Coordinator reports to the Middle School Director and collaborates with a technology team including an IT Specialist, Division Directors, and Head of School. The position is a full-time, academic-year position.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Support the school, its mission, curriculum philosophy, goals and leadership

  • Provide leadership for the school’s technology program, integrating technology into the program in the context of the School’s mission

  • Develop, refine and implement technology strategies, goals, and best practices within the scope of the technology plan

  • Prepare and deliver engaging design, technology, and coding lessons that reflect learning objectives and activities meeting the standards, needs, interests, and abilities of students in Second through Eighth Grade

  • Collaborate with other faculty as a valued colleague to provide technical and instructional support

  • Design and implement technology professional development sessions for faculty on new and emerging technologies

  • Facilitate faculty discussions regarding areas of new pedagogies of learning specifically in technology

  • Assist students with technology needs in and out of the classroom

  • Provide insight and guidance to the Head of School, Division Directors, and Administrative Team

  • Perform other duties as assigned by the Head of School


  • A demonstrated ability to integrate technology into the instructional program

  • Strong interpersonal, communication and leadership skills

  • Experience or enthusiasm for working in a one-to-one iPad or ChromeBook program in the context of an Apple/Mac learning environment

  • Experience and skill with a wide range of hardware and software in both dedicated lab and mobile learning settings

  • Understanding of different learning styles and modalities

  • Ability to communicate and collaborate effectively as a team player with colleagues in the faculty and administration

  • At least 3 years teaching experience

  • Master’s degree and/or teaching credential preferred

  • Experience teaching Scratch or other introductory programming environments, as well as coding languages and platforms

Salary will be competitive based on experience and qualifications. A comprehensive benefits package is provided. All inquiries are treated confidentially. Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume. Please include “Ed Tech/Maker Lab Coordinator” in the email subject line.

St. Matthew’s Episcopal Day School Mission Statement
The School’s mission is to inspire, through an academically challenging course of study, the intellectual curiosity, confidence, moral courage, and character that prepare students to be leaders of positive change in the world.