Executive Director

Job Level
Senior position
Job Category
Executive Director
Job Status
Areas of Responsibility


  • State Member Support: Support state members through professional growth opportunities, fostering collaboration and encouraging communication

  • Strategic Planning: Steward the Board approved strategic plan that guides the work of the organization

  • National Leadership: Foster innovation in addressing educational technology issues that affect state members through efforts at the national level

  • Advocacy: Deep understanding of state leadership needs and issues, and ability to advocate for causes that support policies and funding that enhance the interests of members and the organization as a whole

  • Partner and Business Development: Initiate and foster partnerships with organizations that advance learning through educational technology

  • Resource Development and Management: Maintain and strengthen SETDA’s fiscal position by implementing various resource development strategies

  • Board Relations: Work with the Board to set priorities and develop policies and procedures

  • Organizational Management: Adeptly manage staff and internal operations of the organization


The ideal candidate will have relevant experiences in organizational leadership and development, executive level team management, and a proven track record of collaborative building abilities.

  • Master's degree or equivalent 36 credit hours of post baccalaureate coursework (two years of additional experience as defined above may be substituted for the master’s degree)

  • Minimum of 5 years of personnel management experience in leading teams, ideally virtually

  • Demonstrated understanding of and proven record of designing educational technology programs pertinent to current teaching and learning needs (e.g., broadband Internet, open education resources, high-quality digital learning materials)

  • Minimum 5 years of budget development, stewardship, and accountability

  • Proven ability to develop and cultivate a network of national and international relationships within the educational community

  • Experience coordinating educational technology at a state and/or organizational leadership level preferred


  • Communications: Strong speaking, presenting, and writing capabilities (samples may be requested)

  • Technology: Comfort with various cloud-based tools to assist with management, communications, and operations, including member-management, collaboration

  • Finance: Demonstrated understanding and stewardship of multi-year budgets and general accounting practices; facile with advanced spreadsheet functions and accounting software


  • The position doesn’t require any strenuous work, with most activity concentrating on virtual meetings and collaboration.

  • The position does require willingness to travel for event and advocacy work as needed.


The ED role requires adept skill in remote work and team management. The position will manage, oversee, and evaluate staff virtually, except for in-person conferences. All staff receive a stipend to offset the costs of technology, telecommunications, and general office supplies.


Competitive salary, commensurate with skills and experience, as well as strong employee benefits package.


The Board looks for the chosen candidate to begin service as soon as possible, allowing for a reasonable time frame for her/him to offer notice to their current employer.