Middle and Upper School Computer Science Teacher

Job Level
Academic position
Job Category
Teacher / Instructor
  • Applied Tech (STEAM / Maker / CS / Design)
Job Status
Areas of Responsibility
  • Computer Science
A full-time position to begin September 2017
Spence’s Computer Science & Technology Department seeks an energetic and innovative educator to join the School’s Computer Science program.
Teaching Responsibilities
  • In 2017-18, teach Middle School Computer Science in partnership with the Science Department
  • In 2018-19 and beyond, teach a combination of Middle and Upper School Computer Science, including Computer Science I and possibly Advanced Computer Science
  • With Computer Science Department, help to develop curriculum in Grades 5-12
  • Serve as coach for our Middle School First Lego League teams
  • Serve as faculty advisor to Upper School Robotics club
  • Serve as Middle or Upper School advisor
  • Three years teaching experience preferred
  • BA in Computer Science; MA preferred
Applicants should email résumé, cover letter, and references to CSTeacher@SpenceSchool.org.
Spence is committed to an equitable and inclusive program and a diverse faculty and student body. Candidates from diverse backgrounds are therefore especially encouraged to apply.
Note: Résumé, cover letter, references should come as attachments to the email and should be labeled with the candidate’s name.
(No phone calls or faxes, please.)