Support Specialist

Job Level
Entry-level position
Job Category
Specialist / Associate
  • Information Technology
Job Status
Areas of Responsibility
  • Support / Help desk
  1. How did you learn about this position?
  2. Are you related to anyone in the district or a board member?
  3. If you are related to someone in the district or a board member please indicate who.
  4. Are you retired with the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS)?
  5. Have you ever been convicted of a violation of law other than a minor traffic violation? If yes, please explain.
  6. Have you ever had a professional certificate revoked or suspended? If yes, please explain.
  7. Have you ever been convicted of any offense for physical or sexual abuse of a child? If yes, please explain.
  8. Have you ever had a charge of child abuse against you substantiated? If yes, please explain.
  9. Have you ever been involuntarily terminated or asked to resign, or resigned in lieu of termination from the employment of another school district? If yes, please give the name of the district, the date and the reason for the resignation or termination.
  10. Do you have any computer or network certifications? Please list any of these below.
  11. Computer Skills- Please provide information about your computer skills: Years of Experience Keyboarding words per minute Word Processing applications Database applications Bookkeeping- Please provide information about your experience in the below bookkeeping areas: spreadsheets e-mail applications web/internet browsers graphics design Microsoft Windows / Apple
  12. Audio/Video Skills- Please provide information about your experience Audio/Video skills and applications: Years of Experience Software packages used
  13. If you have any additional skills or experience that you think would uniquely qualify you for this position, please provide information below: