Teacher - Computer Science

Job Level
Academic position
Job Category
Teacher / Instructor
  • Applied Tech (STEAM / Maker / CS / Design)
Job Status
Areas of Responsibility
  • Computer Science
  • Technology Classes
  Provide students with appropriate learning activities and experiences in Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Computer Science programs designed to fulfill their maximum potential for intellectual, emotional, physical, and social growth. Enable students to develop competencies and skills that will prepare them for success in higher education and society.
Qualifications: Minimum Qualifications:

Bachelor’s degree from an accredited four-year college or university
Valid Texas teaching certificate with required endorsements for subject and level assigned. Certification areas may include: Computer Science 8-12; Mathematics/Physical Science/Engineering 6-12 & 8-12; and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics 6-12
Candidate must have satisfactory outcome of fingerprinting background check. Non-refundable fee (approximately $50.00) paid by the employee

Special Knowledge/Skills:
Knowledge and skills in Computer Science
Ability to align Computer Science content to targeted industry certification exams
Knowledge of industry related software
Ability to work within PC and Macintosh platforms
Knowledge of State Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System (PBMAS) and ability to analyze and document data for improved student performance
Knowledge of PLTW programs
Knowledge of project-based learning programs
Ability to market Computer Science careers to students, staff, parents and business community
Strong organizational, communication, and interpersonal skills
Ability to adjust and adapt to a multitude of situations in the school environment
Student teaching, approved internship or appropriate work approval in Computer Science / STEM industry