Technology Director/Technology Teacher

Job Level
Senior position
Job Category
Director, Teacher / Instructor
  • Technology
  • Applied Tech (STEAM / Maker / CS / Design)
Job Status
Areas of Responsibility
  • All Areas of Technology
  • Technology Classes
Description/Notes: Technology Teacher and District Technology Director. Small class sizes.Administer and operate the district's computer networks. Develop, maintain, and monitor all district local area networks (LAN) and wide area networks (WAN). Responsible for installation, testing, and oversight of all network hardware, computers, software, and related equipment. Ability to work in and APPLE Environment.
Qualifications: Holding a current Certified Texas Teaching Certificate. Highly Qualified Status. Education/Certification: Bachelor’s degree Special Knowledge/Skills: Knowledge of computer network, hardware, and software applications Knowledge of computer applications development and implementation Ability to manage budget and personnel; coordinate district function. Ability to work in and APPLE Environment.