Technology Teacher

Job Level
Academic position
Job Category
Teacher / Instructor
  • Applied Tech (STEAM / Maker / CS / Design)
Job Status
Areas of Responsibility
  • Technology Classes

I. General Description: The Head of School in conjunction with the Junior High and High School Principal contracts the teacher where applicable. The Principal will evaluate the performance of the teacher regularly and annually recommend to the Head of School whether the teacher should continue in his/her teaching position.

II. Accountability: The teacher is responsible to the junior High/ High School Principal.

III. Qualifications: The teacher shall be one who is called by God to the teaching profession, and who is a college graduate, with the appropriate ACSI Certificate or ability to obtain certification.

IV. Responsibilities:

Spiritually Mature: To seek to spiritually demonstrate, in speech, actions, and attitude, a consistent daily walk with Jesus Christ. By spending regular daily time in the study of God's word and prayer;By responding to the ministry of the Holy Spirit within. To show, by example, the importance of sharing Christ, studying and memorizing His word, and praying...By sharing the results with students and faculty;by praying with and for students and faculty; by sharing Christ with students on a personal level.

Academic Excellence: The teacher has the major responsibility of instruction of biblical integration through the curriculum assigned by the principal. in the implementation of this responsibility, he/she is expected to:

  • Teach regularly scheduled classes as assigned by the Principal.
  • Develop each of his/her students spiritually, academically, socially and physically to their individual highest potential.
  • Embrace and employ the methodologies of a Professional Learning Community. The effectiveness of teaching will be evaluated through a rigor/relevance/relationship grid.
  • Employ insights, which God's Spirit has revealed to him/her for personal daily study of God's Word and prayer.

In order to accomplish the above, the teacher will perform the following:

  • For each subject and class taught a list of ten essential learning outcomes will be written. Every effort will be made to ensure that every student reaches these outcomes and that most will greatly exceed these.
  • Keep student lesson plans, assignments, grades, attendance and behavior records current (RenWeb). Keep record of materials and textbooks assigned to students.
  • Attend teacher meetings, devotions and other functions of the school when related to one's own area of responsibility.
  • Always be available to be used by the Holy Spirit for the spiritual uplift of students or fellow teachers. Pray with students, families, faculty ans staff. Supervise such student's activities as the Principal may assign.
  • Attend at least one major fun-raising event and support the school by attending Alumni events. Teachers are expected to attend co-curricular events regularly, especially when you have current students involved.
  • No parent(s) should be surprised by the progress of their student. There will be regular positive and negative communications with parents regarding their child's progress.
  • Use peacemaking principles (Matthew 18, etc) in disciplining students, and in relationship with the administration and staff.
  • Establish a sense of trust and fairness within the classroom. Pray with students and parents.
  • Seek professional development opportunities so that appropriate subject knowledge is attained, best teaching practices are implemented and personal strengths are maximized in the classroom.
  • Develop personal relationships with students as much as possible with the goals of showing the love of Christ and being a mentor/disciplinary in the lives of students.
  • Commitment to Jesus Christ and the ability to articulate a Christian worldview.

Adhere to the policies of the school as set forth through the handbook and as approved during the year.

Interested applicants should submit:

  • Cover Letter referencing the job they are seeking.
  • Two letters of reference
  • One pastor reference
  • personal Testimony
  • Valley Christian School Application


Qualifications: The teacher shall be one who is called by God to the teaching profession, and who is a college graduate, with the appropriate ACSI Certificate or ability to obtain certification.

3+ years of teaching experience preferred not required.