Technology Teacher

Job Level
Academic position
Job Category
Teacher / Instructor
  • Applied Tech (STEAM / Maker / CS / Design)
Job Status
Areas of Responsibility
  • Technology Classes

Part-time K-HS Tehnology teacher who will:

  • plan and prepare lesson plans and deliver instruction to K-HS students;

  • ensure that lesson plans, homework assignments and grades are posted weekly in RenWeb;

  • communicate effectively with parents on all classroom-related issues;

  • participate in on-going professional development; and

  • develop and revise Curriculum Guides as needed.

Two part-time positions may be combined to provide full-time employment



  • Education: at last a Bachelor's degree, preferably in an educational field related to technology

  • Experience: a minimum of 2-3 years of successful classroom experience is preferred

  • Certification: must be ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) certifiable


  • essential computer skills

  • a participative, collaborative work style, able to give and receive feedback

  • professional communication skills (written and oral)

  • follows confidentiality standards

  • positive Christian role model for all stakeholders