Technology Teacher

Job Level
Academic position
Job Category
Teacher / Instructor
  • Applied Tech (STEAM / Maker / CS / Design)
Job Status
Areas of Responsibility
  • Technology Classes

We are looking for someone who is educated, trained and experienced in the teaching of technology skills to middle and high school students. Proficient in computers and related hardware, software; computer technology ethics and standards. Innovative in the use and application of technology to further understanding in multiple disciplines. A strong interest and knowledge in digital photography and videography, 3D printing, web design, and robotics a plus. Would also be asked to help train other faculty in the use of technology in education. While this is a part-time position, it may be combined with other subjects such as math or science to be considered full-time. Position available in Fall 2019.


  • Viable Christian Testimony

  • Education appropriate for position

  • Certification from ACSI or other recognized body a plus