Technology Integration Specialist

Job Level
Entry-level position
Job Category
Specialist / Associate
  • Instructional Technology
Job Status
Areas of Responsibility
  • Integration

Job Goal: 

Provide leadership in developing, achieving and maintaining high quality technology integration into teaching and learning throughout all educational settings to support teachers in enhancing instruction and assist students in acquiring technological skills. 


  • MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Licensure as an elementary teacher and certification as an Instructional Technology Specialist preferred

  • Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of all MA Elementary Curriculum Frameworks

  • Demonstrated success as a classroom teacher with knowledge and mastery of effective instructional strategies

  • Experience creating multi-disciplinary units of study that integrate technology

  • Ability to support learning and integrate technology into the curriculum

  • Demonstrated capacity to be self-directed, organized and collaborative


  • Model effective instructional strategies using technology in a co-teaching environment

  • Assist teachers in becoming technologically proficient

  • Support teachers in their use of technology in all curricular areas, including modeling and co-teaching

  • Work with the staff to implement the district’s curriculum through the use of technology as tools for learning

  • Coordinate professional development activities directly related to the integrated use of technology in all content areas under the direction of the building principal and district Curriculum Director

  • Communicate with the school staff and community about training, equipment, software, curriculum materials, instructional video, and other technology resources

  • Supervise the operation and use of any site-based technology in order to assure curriculum and instructional alignment and effective use of technology resources at the school site

  • Provide professional development for staff in the area of instructional technology

  • Teach weekly technology classes to children K-grade 6 based on the MA Technology Frameworks, MA Digital Literacy and Computer Science Frameworks

  • Assist teachers and students in the use of assistive technology