Program Specialist, Education Technology & Media

Job Level
Entry-level position
Job Category
Specialist / Associate
  • Technology
  • Applied Tech (STEAM / Maker / CS / Design)
Job Status
Areas of Responsibility
  • Instructional Technology
  • Digital Media

Purpose of Position: Under the direction of the Director of IT and Education Services, plans, coordinates, organizes, and manages the use of print, digital, and related information technologies and equipment. Coordinates the operation of the district’s library/media centers and provides leadership and direction to classified library media techs and IA computer lab techs. Collaborates with staff in using the core curriculum and a variety of materials to support the curriculum. Coordinates and delivers professional development related to the core curricular standards, materials and utilization of technology in a ubiquitous and meaningful way. All work in this job description share be conducted in collaboration with respective site administrators.

Essential Functions:

  • Provides instruction, support to staff and students based on and integrated with district objectives and state standards utilizing school library media curriculum, learning resources, print and electronic reference tools, and information literacy processes.

  • Supports the implemented curriculum of the district by providing print and digital resources that will expand and enhance student learning in and beyond the textbook.

  • Collaborates with staff in the design, production, implementation and evaluation of instructional curriculum.

  • Provides information services, resources, and staff development to assist staff in their knowledge of educational trends, developments, techniques, research and experimentation.

  • In collaboration with administration and staff, assists in the selection, purchase, processing, distribution and inventory of books, non-printed materials, textbooks, online content (e-text) and technology to meet the changing needs of the instructional program.

  • Researches, previews, and evaluates media materials in accordance with State curricular frameworks, legislative mandates, cultural priorities and the needs of the District.

  • Creates innovative technology infused lessons.

  • Collaborates with staff to design, plan and develop media center and classroom needs.

  • Collaborates with classroom teachers in the preparation, presentation, and evaluation of assignments that utilize information resources.

  • Plans and supports staff for kindergarten through twelfth grade to incorporate International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards, California Standards, 21st Century skills and technology competencies. 

  • Assists staff and students with strategies for intellectual access to information and ideas for learning (finding, judging, and using information) that they can use with and beyond school settings and beyond.

  • Models instructional strategies and coaches staff members in the integration of information literacy strategies and technology with curriculum.

  • Provides staff a wide range and variety of learning resources that meet the specific goals and objectives of the instructional program and the changing needs and interests of students and staff.

  • Provides information and training and directs library support staff and volunteers in the performance of their duties.

  • Creates and implements procedures for library media center operations including, but not limited to: planning and evaluation, budgeting, access to materials and resources, student and teacher use of digital media and technology resources, instruction, services, organization of facilities, and collection development (selection, acquisition, cataloging, processing, inventory, weeding).

  • Develops and maintains a diversified library collection of printed resources and digital/electronic/web resources to support curricular needs, the development of student literacy, and the interests of students, using up-to-date review sources and selection practices.

  • Coordinates and evaluates the selection and ongoing licensing processes of digital resources for schools in conjunction with the Director of IT and Education Services and site administrators.

  • Provides information and instruction in areas of information literacy, the research cycle, acceptable use policies, digital citizenship, ethics, intellectual property and copyright, and use of educational technologies.

  • Promotes media services throughout the district for a transformative process to learning with technology.

  • Maintains a variety of manual and electronic files and/or records for technology and media inventory.

  • Participate in meetings as required to convey and gather information regarding a wide range of topics subjects required to carry out their duties.

  • Perform other duties as assigned by the administration. 


Knowledge of: ISTE standards for educators and students, Digital Citizenship, Multi-media, 21st Century classroom skills, quality professional development and the use of technology is effective classrooms.

Ability to:

  •   Demonstrate motivation and enthusiasm with a genuine passion for teaching, learning and professional collaboration.

  •   Maintain professional record keeping and communications.

  •   Handle multiple projects concurrently and work as a productive team member.

  •   Maintain composure in fast paced and stressful environments.

  •   Communicate effectively orally and in writing.