Robotics Team Coach

Job Level
Mid-level position
Job Category
  • Applied Tech (STEAM / Maker / CS / Design)
Job Status
Areas of Responsibility
  • Robotics

Lake Highland Preparatory School, dedicated to developing highly competent students and life-long learners, is seeking two experienced part time robotics team coaches: one for 7th and 8th grade students and a one coach for 9-12th grade students. Applicants who embrace the ingenuity, collaboration and problem solving inherent in robotics competition and who are enthusiastic about guiding students toward independence and self-advocacy will be most successful. This is a part-time, extra-curricular position, August through May, with emphasis on the cycle of competition which runs from August through March. It may also include off-season coaching and advanced competitions beyond March. Teams meet after school hours and on weekends as necessary. Responsibility for the safety and well-being of students on campus and while traveling and participating in competitions is high priority. If teams advance in competition, travel may include out of state locations. The most suitable candidate will have a passion for mentoring young people and basic skills in computer sciences. The ideal candidate will also have working knowledge of FIRST and VEX competition but not required. Send cover letter identifying interest in either the Middle School or Upper School robotics coach position along with resume to: