Assistive Technology Specialist

Job Level
Entry-level position
Job Category
Specialist / Associate
  • Applied Tech (STEAM / Maker / CS / Design)
Job Status
Areas of Responsibility
  • Assistive Technology


Under the direction of an assigned Director, evaluate and assess students’ assistive technology and augmentative/alternative communication (AT/AAC) needs; review available options; procure and install devices, software and supplies; modify equipment as needed; design and present training for district personnel to promote student achievement.


  • Collaborate with Director and assistive technology team to plan and monitor assistive technology design model and team goals.

  • Receive student referrals and maintain necessary records and data.

  • Conduct student assessments/evaluations; attend meetings (IEP, transdisciplinary, etc.) to review options.

  • Provide written reports with recommendations for AT/AAC options.

  • Serve as liaison between parent/care-provider, home and school.

  • Assist in selection of appropriate AT/AAC systems and/or devices, software and supplies.

  • Prepare and submit purchase requisitions.

  • Install devices, software, hardware and peripherals.

  • Design, modify and update dynamic and/or static display screens for communications systems/devices.

  • Provide technical support and setup for AT/AAC systems, software and devices.

  • Develop and present training sessions on AT/AAC for student, parent/care-provider and support staff.

  • Train and supervise assigned personnel.

  • Document results and submit required reports in a timely fashion.

  • Work cooperatively with personnel from other agencies providing services to the student and family.

  • Maintain a current knowledge of Federal education regulations as they pertain to AT/AAC; maintain a current knowledge of AT/AAC options.

  • Participate in professional growth activities in special education and in the AT/AAC field.

  • Perform related duties as assigned.




  • AT/AAC devices, software, hardware, peripherals on Intel-based computers and Apple-based computers, devices and systems.

  • Procedures, practices and terminology related to AT/AAC.

  • Federal and State special education codes for school districts.

  • Basics of occupational therapy, physical therapy, vision therapy, speech and language, mobility, cognition, and education.

  • Sources and suppliers.

  • Recordkeeping and report preparation techniques.

  • Principles of supervision and training.

  • Modern office practices, procedures and equipment.

  • Correct English usage, grammar, spelling, punctuation and vocabulary.

  • Interpersonal skills using tact, patience and courtesy.

  • Oral and written communication skills.

  • Operation of a computer and assigned software.



  • Operate and understand computer technology and communication devices.

  • Conduct appropriate student assessments and evaluations related to AT/AAC devices.

  • Design and present training sessions.

  • Diagnose and troubleshoot software and hardware issues related to AT/AAC devices, software and peripherals on Intel-based computers and Apple-based computers, devices and systems.

  • Interpret, apply and explain applicable laws, codes, rules, regulations, policies and procedures.

  • Train and supervise the performance of assigned personnel.

  • Attend workshops and conferences to enhance base knowledge of AT/AAC devices.

  • Prepare and maintain accurate and complete records, files and reports.

  • Communicate effectively both orally and in writing.

  • Establish and maintain cooperative and effective working relationships with others.

  • Work confidentially with discretion.

  • Plan and organize work.

  • Maintain consistent, punctual and regular attendance.

  • Hear and speak to exchange information in person or on the telephone.

  • See to read a variety of materials.

  • Move hands and fingers to operate a computer keyboard.



Any combination equivalent to: graduation from an accredited college or university with a major concentration in assistive technology and augmentative and alternative communication or closely related field. Two years experience providing AT/AAC evaluations/assessments; experience with communication devices, software and peripherals, their application and use.



  • Valid California driver’s license.

  • Personal transportation for job-related travel.